Damn Good Advice – TWO

It has took me the first 28 years of my life to fully accept every part of who I am. There were some parts that I didn’t understand, some that were suppressed and denied, others that had not yet manifested, and also those that I accepted but did not give enough attention. I can accept now the progression in stages of becoming who I am today. As I have worked on my self-esteem and resumed my spiritual quest, I am proud to be myself, to know myself, and to love myself. Today I can say that I see the banality and frivolity in not actualizing my potential. I have written about it before, and will continue to do so–I am an artist. I can’t be anything else because that is who I am. I have the soul of an artist–an artist of soul.

Desk Light © 2011 NATE METZ

One thought on “Damn Good Advice – TWO

  1. Wow. Nate you are living the dream that I could only dream for you. I am so proud to be your Mum. Bravo!

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