Pomegranate Afternoon

I took these photos one afternoon as the sun glimpsed through an open door. The refractions and shadows drifted slowly across the wall for a few fleeting minutes before disappearing. I love capturing these transient moments.

Pomegranate Afternoon © 2012 NATE METZ


Here is the fourth installment of my translucent study. Combined with my previous set, these are some of my favorite images. I think the soft and layered light is really beautiful and renders great colors. The fallen leaves show the lack of luminescence with a diminishing life force and show a great contrast in color and dimension to the other leaves:

Translucent Study © 2012 NATE METZ

If you like any of these images, please feel free to click the Facebook button below and share it with your friends! I do enjoy getting feedback on my work no matter your level of expertise in photography as I don’t think you need an MFA or a 30 years career to enjoy great art!

As I see it: LIGHT BEAMS