Here is another collection of internet memes I’ve created over the past few months shared through Facebook. If you enjoy these, be sure to like me on Facebook and give it a thumbs up so they’ll appear in your newsfeed!


Stinky Vinegar Hole © 2013 NATE METZ
Stinky Vinegar Hole © 2013 NATE METZ

I tried something a little different with this face by using a photograph of a found object as part of the face – the drain in a water fountain – instead of objects that come preloaded in the app. The direction I would like to head is to photograph found objects on my own at a much higher resolution so I could create these collages that would make suitable prints. It’s one of the back burner projects, though. I’m really focusing on the photography portion of my art and these collages serve as the play time to keep the creative juices flowing. What do you think? Would you like to see more faces or more photographs? Comment below!